Tuesday, January 01, 2008

El-Jenina or Dar Es´soltan el kedima

This berbre Fort which was the residence of the King of the Thaaliba tribe and King of the Mitidja Selim ETTEUMI (Toumi), owes its name to a small garden placed in its northern side. This palace was built near the center of the Medina.

When the Turks took the power in Algiers in the beginning of the XVI century, Baba Arroudj who became king of the city settled down in this Palace. Place of governance of El-djazair, its first restorations were made between 1552 and 1556 under Salah Raïs Ben Djaafar era.

This State residence was Ali Khodja´s Government hall until 1817; main acts of regency took place there ex. judgements of political crimes ; The Jenina held Diwan meetigs as well as those of algier´s consuls ; Yeni Ceri ( Janissairs) perceived their salary there.

On November, 1st, 1817 Ali Khodja transfered the power place to the Citadel of the Casbah. This foritfied building was placed at the top of the triangle which formed then the city to El-djazair. El-Jenina will then be called by the population Dar El soltane el kadima (Former house of the Sultan) In 1830, the French occupied it and installed the clock of the city there. The Jenina served then as accommodation center for the army.

In 1844, a devastating fire destoyed a part of the building. Regrettably twelve years later, in 1856, the colonial authorities destoyed the anciant palace to replace it by recent buildings. A street of the low Kasbah will be called after this lost palace.